The deforming osteoarthritis of the knee joint is referred to in medicine as gonar rose. This is a degenerative-dystrophic disease in the hyalink norpes of the knee, which covers the condyle of the femoral and tibia.
With the arthrosis of the knee joint, the symptoms gradually develop, for years the main manifestation of the disease is pain, stiffness during movement. It is a gonarthrosis that is seen as the most common disease in osteoarthritis of other joints such as hip arthrosis, osteoarthritis of the elbow or shoulder joints and phalanges of the fingers.
Most of the time the disease affects faces over 40, women are most susceptible to arthrosis. Sometimes it develops in young people against the background of the injury or for athletes of excessive burdens.
Knee arthrosis: symptoms, causes, disease stages
Symptoms of knee osteoarthritis.
There can be several symptoms of a serious illness (arthritis of bones, joints), and not all occur at once, but gradually when cartilaginous tissue are destroyed.
Consider the symptoms of arthrosis of the knee joint in all stadiums (stadiums) of the disease.
In the early stages, the patient has a minimum of symptoms, but even a slight but rather sharp pain in the knee joint occurs. A problem becomes problematic for a trip or long hiking. In addition, the pain that has endured the body begins to worsen, and the person is already uncomfortable in the knees, after a physical exertion or when climbing from seating positions if there is a load on the lower part of the limb. In such cases, you can feel sharp pain in the cartilage or in the knee joint. Such pain leaves quickly, but every time he returns.
In the next stage of the disease, not only painful sensations will be improved, but also begins to modify the knee. Due to the liquid accumulated in the cartilage -shaped tissue, the knees can swell spherically and easily.
In addition, everything is worse. If the disease is not treated, the blood circulation process in the knee is disturbed, the hyalink norps dries out, and the cartilage itself can crack, whereupon it begins to collapse, and various types of growth will appear on the bone structure. At this stage, the movement of cartilage is already very difficult, and every step is given to a person with difficulties. Going leads to severe pain that practically does not end and complaints do not occur of cartilage regeneration.
The last stage of the disease is, if the knee joint is already fully affected, there is no cartilage tissue in the knee and a person simply cannot sit down and get up without support cannot move completely without having severe pain in its such movements.
- Symptoms that have to be reacted to. One person must also react when the pain that occurs in the knee begins with the slightest loads and stress on the leg. When a knee knee jump takes place when walking or squat or squats, his legs quickly become tired, swelling appears in the knees.
- What to do when the joints hurt? When the knee connections began to hurt or gave up sharp pain in the cups when getting up and set, contact a doctor immediately. Don't wait for the osteoarthritis of the knee joint to completely hits the joint and cartilage of the knee. Go to the doctor as soon as you felt the first symptoms of the disease. Remember when the disease has already completely impressed the cartilage tissue, the deformation of the bone occurs and the pain leaves neither day, at night or when walking or without it.
- When can you contact a rheumatologist? One person should be addressed to a rheumatologist in the first manifestations (symptoms) of the disease.
- The main symptoms of osteoarthritis. The main symptoms of the knee arthrosis to which you should build your attention: the pain and strength in the knees or a knee that can be felt from a person when sitting or lying down by a person; The pain that manifests itself in the knee caners on the stairs on the stairs; The occurrence of pain syndrome immediately after a person comes from a hidden state, for example rises after sitting and begins to move.
The causes of osteoarthritis of the knee joint.
The osteoarthritis of the knee joint can hit a person for several reasons - this is the age (over the years that the cartilage is characterized), and intensive physiotherapy on the leg or on the leg and different types of knee injuries and much more.
The main reasons for the development of arthrosis:
- Obesity.
- Older age.
- Inheritance.
- Osteoporosis.
- The lack of vitamins and useful trace elements that are required for bones.
- Specific work with constant loads on the cups of the knees.
- Metabolic disorders.
- Sport (intensive training, load on one leg or both legs).
- Knee injuries.
To avoid disability, you should consult a rheumatologist for qualified support in good time.
What happens to the joint with osteoarthritis?
In every stages of illness, their modifications appear in cartilage, in the joints and bones of the knee.
So at the beginning of the development of the disease, the cartilage becomes hard and becomes very vulnerable. In addition, microrises and small tears that gradually increase appear on the surface of the joints. The next stage - cartilage begins to grow and increase the thickness. The last stage is the complete destruction of the cartilage at a certain or a certain section of the connection.
Arthrosis of the knee joint, degree of illness
All rheumatologists show the three degrees of arthrosis of the human knee.
First. It is characterized by a slight narrowing of the slots directly between the joints itself, which leads to slight symptoms and without restricting the movements.
The second. This is what the doctors put on the appearance of a strong crunch in their knees.
The third and last. There is a change in the forms of osteophytes, a partially or complete change (destruction) of the bones occurs, the movement of the legs in the knees becomes impossible.
The degree of arthrosis of the knee joint
- Osteoarthritis of the knee joint. The disease only appears at this stage, the cartilage is almost completely and the bones are not deformed. At that time, people rarely have pain in the knee cups with a few, even rechargeable loads on the leg. This pain happens, but then they repeatedly appear, pass and appear again, become more often, the swelling can begin, which takes place according to the observation of patients without pills and the use of ointments.
- Osteoarthritis of the knee joint. This level is already characterized by slightly large pain compared to the initial stages. The pain not only occurs when there is an intensive burden, but also with ordinary walking when you raise the severity when it rises from a seated position. A pronounced knee crisis begins to hear. Already in the specified stage, slow or intensive (depending on the individuality of the body) begins that the joint is deformed and human movements are limited.
- Arthrosis of the knee joint. Finally and this is the third, the degree of our disease, the symptoms are already very expressed, the pain in the knee associations is regular and the modification of the bones is already striking by the eye. Human mobility is almost completely limited, it is very difficult for the patient to choose a comfortable position for yourself, the pain does not allow.
Arthrosis of the knee joint - symptoms and treatment
General symptoms are:
- the feeling of pain in the cups of the knees when a person moves (inserting the disease);
- Pain in the affected areas that become stronger every day;
- Night pain in the joints of the knee;
- Edema in areas affected by the disease;
- Rough dry knee crisis;
- Deformation of bones on places affected by the disease.
The main symptoms of the arthrosis of the knee joint
The main symptoms of osteoarthritis (according to Doctors-Russian) are the main symptoms of osteoarthritis four.
This includes:
- Pain during the movement of the knee;
- Dry crunch in affected places;
- Reduction of the ability to move sick legs;
- Changes external (fully or partially) affected areas.
- Diagnosis and treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joint.
After the patient has been carefully examined, the rheumatologist evaluates the situation and turns his view of the changes that are visible through the eye in the areas of a knee or both and their direct mobility. The test method sets the areas of pain and crunch and the intensity of this pain.
In addition to an X ray for the patient, the doctor prescribes computer tomography and (or) MRI. These studies are necessary to determine a precise diagnosis and prescribe correct treatment.
Treatment of knee arthrosis, treatment methods
The treatment of arthrosis of any stage of the knee joint includes:
- Treatment methods with medication;
- Treatment methods using training therapy and special physiotherapy;
- Treatment methods with the most common massage;
- Surgical intervention.
What does effective therapy give.
An effective therapy prescribed by a doctor contributes : : :
- Distance from sharp pain;
- The restoration of the destroyed cartilage (if possible, the result depends on the degree of illness);
- Increased mutual mobility.
In the elimination of knee arthrosis, training therapy plays a special role, a special diet based on legumes, dairy products and massages. If the prescribed therapy does not show the desired result for one reason, the patient is prescribed an operation to install a special prosthesis that replaces the joint.
Arthrosis of the knee joint: treatment, medication
Competent treatment with osteoarthritis of the cartilaginous tissue of the knee joint (violations of the cartilage composition), which is prescribed by the rheumatologist, includes an entire complex of medicinal products. This treatment complex usually includes:
- Nestroid to remove inflammation, medication.
- Chondroprotectors.
- Special creams or ointments.
- Therapeutic active ingredients based on the compresses.
Most of the time, the doctors prescribe ibuprofen of every manufacturer, indomethacin for the treatment of the knee cartilage of the knee cartilage of every manufacturer, ketoprofen, diclofenac, pyroxics and others.
The appointment of these medicines contributes to the rapid elimination of pain, which is why the patient can begin fertile treatment in other ways - the method of massage, medical exercises, etc.
With regard to ointments, mostly for the patient the use (rubbing with massage movements into the painful area) of such medicines in the form of poet ointments (creams) and gels such as Diclofenac, Fastum, Ferbedon, Transivazin, Dolgit and others.
The list of special gels and ointments - external preparations for joints on the modern pharmacological market is very wide and diverse, and therefore the patient can choose the most suitable and most effective in his case on the recommendation of a doctor from the total number.
Some of the most popular recipes for traditional medicine against knee arthrosis.
- Treatment with a Burdock or the most common Burdock. For treatment, it is necessary (it is necessary to take three leaves (it is better to take young leaves) to attach them to the painful knee and wrap them with gauze that is sold in a pharmacy or an association. It is also best to use a warm down scarf on Marley.
- Celandine helps with osteoarthritis and juice of the plant. You have to buy or get Celandine juice yourself. Turn it to a aching point for 45-55 minutes after you are saturated with such a juice. After removing the association, grease the joint immediately with vegetable oil. Repeat the treatment for at least 10 days, take the same break and repeat the course again.
- Treatment of osteoarthritis by a dandelion. For such therapy, it will be necessary to produce a collection of flowers from flowering dandelion. In order to achieve the right effect, folk healers recommend that the patients eat five dandelion flowers every day on an empty stomach, previously lowered and flushed into boiled warm water. You can also create a special grinding infusion from dandelion flowers. For this purpose, a bank, which is previously treated with boiling water, is half filled with dandelion flowers and poured by a triple Kölogen (second half of the glass) of conventional. The product is placed in a dark place and closes under the lid. After 30 days, the infusion can be used to rubbing painful spots. Friction movements are carried out 20-30 seconds per knee clockwise.
After using these compresses, about 75% of the patients determine a significant improvement in their condition, a reduction in pain and an almost complete disappearance of a characteristic crust of the knee.
ShouldRemember that the recipes for traditional medicine do not treat the disease, but can only complement the therapeutic treatment course with medicinal products, which makes this course more effective.
If you prepare one of the means of traditional medicine or correctly prepare raw materials for such a tool, you cannot be able to buy or ask such components in a pharmacy independently of one another, plants of expert people (folk healers, grandmothers).
Therapeutic gymnastics
A special place in the treatment of osteoarthritis in the knees is due to special therapeutic gymnastics (training therapy). It is prescribed to the patient regardless of the treatment process to improve the river and the blood drainage in an affected area, to increase muscle strength and prevent contracts. Shown together with the use of special medication.
LFK for arthrosis is by no means a specific treatment. It is an auxiliary method for combating the disease, which is prescribed in combination with special medication.
Several exercises of therapeutic gymnastics for treatment and prevention:
- It is necessary to go to a hard place (floor). Bend and immediately expand your knees with both legs. It is recommended to repeat the exercises for 3-5 minutes as often as possible. The load on both legs should be the same.
- Cross on the back, on the floor, cross your legs with scissors (foot on the leg, first the right leg from above, then from below) and keep your knees in an exposed state. It is recommended that such movements are repeated every day. Exercises should not cause symptoms, in the event of pain it is better to give up such an exercise.
- Place on your back in a permanent place, push it into your stomach one after the other and bend another leg into your knee. These movements carried out daily help you to exclude you from the risk zone. It is recommended to repeat the exercises as often as possible for 3-4 minutes. The load on both legs should be the same as in the first case.
Training therapy for the treatment of osteoarthritis of the cartilage of the articular knee brings more advantages if you combine therapeutic exercises with a special massage.
Visible changes in the condition with the use of physiotherapy exercises in the patient can occur in 7-10 days.
If you cannot do training therapy yourself, it is better to reject exercises.
Arthrosis of the knee joint: The first symptoms, treatment, prevention and nutrition
When you summarize, you would like to find that after discovering the first symptoms of the disease and this pain in the knee joints and a characteristic crisis immediately go to the doctor and start a special treatment with medication.
A diet that helps with osteoarthritis.
Check the diet of your usual diet immediately if you find osteoarthritis or to prevent the disease. In daily diet, a subdued dish should be or cooked. It is best when foods that have a positive effect on bones, ligaments, joints and cartilage are used in food. These products include: all legumes, hut cheese, hard varieties with cheese, soup, baked fish, baked fish, hazelnuts, almonds, pumpkin, zucchini, carrots, broccoli and cauliflower, which are prepared on the basis of bones.
A diet described above is not a specific treatment method for which effective treatment in combination with drugs, medical exercises and massages should be used.
The first group of reasons: inheritance and age factors
Osteoarthritis of the knee joint is an illness in which an hereditary predisposition is quite pronounced. So if you are a woman and her mother suffered from osteoarthritis (not with all knees), the likelihood of getting this disease is 2-3 times higher than on average in the population. If you have sisters and you are also sick with osteoarthritis, the likelihood of appearance is even more.
In addition, there are diseases with an inherited disposition in which the connective tissue is affected - the so -called collagenosis, which, for example, encompass a sticer syndrome. In the presence of such defects on the part of collagen - a substance that is part of the ligaments - also takes the likelihood of developing the disease.
Sometimes to this group of causes of the arthrosis of the knee are diseases of the endocrine system adjacent: diabetes mellitus, lack of female sex hormones in menopause and a number of other diseases.
The older the person gets, the higher the risk of osteoarthritis. This is due to the fact that with age the ability of the cartilage falls for regeneration and restoration and the metabolism worsens in the joints.
If this disease suffers from 1, 5 to 3-4% of the population (US data) at the age of 45, almost every third person is sick in an interval of 45 to 65 years. And at the age of 65 to 85, the frequency of developing the disease increases up to 80 or more!
In addition, the development of the disease is influenced not only by age, but also by hormonal changes. In women in menopause, the likelihood of developing osteoarthritis increases. This is due to the fact that estrogens - female sex hormones - regulate the processes of metabolism in the joints, cartilage, bones and ligaments. When you get smaller (if menopause), the metabolism deteriorates in this tissue and the risk of osteoarthritis increases significantly.
Second group of causes: congenital and acquired diseases of the musculoskeletal system
Inflammation of the joint
The inflammation of the knee joint (arthritis more precisely, drives) is one of the most common causes of gonarthrosis. Unfortunately, most microorganisms that penetrate into the joint and cause inflammation contribute to the fact that the sensitive cartilage is deformed. At the same time, your diet deteriorates considerably, the shape of the cartilaginous surfaces of the bones changes etc.
For all of these reasons, the normal slide sign of the cartilage is disturbed in the articular bones. This leads to an additional trauma of the cartilage, worsens the volume of the movements in the joint and creates a very fertile reason for the development of osteoarthrosis to the end.
Operations and injuries to the knee
Another common cause of the disease is the presence of knee injuries and surgical interventions. Very often there are both one and the other - for example, if a company removal of meniscus is carried out due to a sports injury. The normal function of the joint is impaired, the strain on the cartilage changes and increases in atypical places, and as a result, osteoarthrosis of the knee is formed.
Metabolic disorder in the body
The cartilage tissue in the joints is one of the few whose diet does not occur through the release of nutrients by blood vessels. The cartilage is "eaten" by the diffusion of nutrients from synovial fluid and directly from the pineal glands on the same principle.
This is a rather subtle and fragile mechanism. If different metabolic disorders occur in the body, it can break and stop working. Therefore, some diseases in which the metabolism in the body is severely disturbed can contribute to arthrosis.
Such diseases include primary and secondary gout, joint chondromatosis, hemochromatosis, ocronosis as well as Wilson-Konovalov disease and a number of other diseases. In addition, endocrine diseases can also be added to this group that also influences metabolism throughout the body - diabetes mellitus - and a lack of female sex hormones (estrogen) in old age due to menopause.
Third group of reasons: increased stress and microtrauma cartilage
Sports and hard physical work at work
As already mentioned, the nutrition of the cartilage is a very subtle mechanism that can not only interfere with metabolic problems, but also an increased load on the knee joint.
This happens quite often with intensive sports as well as when a person's work includes a high physical activity, as well as longer stands on your feet without sat down and relaxing.
At the same time, certain muscle groups (for example the muscles of the lower leg and the thigh) are over stress. This worsens the nutrition in the muscles and joints, which means that there are problems with the metabolism in the cartilage if cartilage simply has no time to recover on the joint after such a strong physical exertion.
Diagnosis of osteoarthritis
The osteoarthritis of the knee joint should be differentiated by rheumatic, inflammatory and other diseases with similar symptoms.
For this purpose, a standard examination standard was used, which includes a general biochemical blood test, a radiological examination, MRI and ultrasound.
In the case of osteoarthritis, a blood test shows no significant deviations from the norm. A change in the composition of the blood, an increase in immune cells and antibodies usually indicates another disease.
Since arthrosis in no way manifests itself in analyzes, the only reliable way to diagnose it is a hardware examination.
X -Ray, as the most common and cheapest examination method, is able to identify arthrosis and stage relatively precisely.
In the picture, structural changes in the joints and bones are significantly differentiated. The X -Ray examination includes structural deformations and determine defects in the joint surfaces.
An additional examination in connection with X -Ray is used for a reliable determination of gonarthrosis and the stage of its development: on ultrasound, MRI or CT apparatus.
In the earliest stages of development, the methodology for diagnosing osteoarthritis is intended to ensure precise recognition of the disease that will treat it effectively.
Unfortunately, the effectiveness of this approach is low due to the peculiarities of the disease: the patients tend not to pay attention to weak pain and light chroma, and are already led to the doctor in the second or third stage of gonarthrosis.
Additional recommendations: prevention
Preventive measures aim to eliminate risk factors that lead to the development of osteoarthritis.
It is recommended to get involved in moderate physical activity. In this case, the possible injury, overvoltage and hypothermia should be avoided.
As mentioned above, no connection between nutrition and the risk of developing osteoarthritis was established.
However, it is recommended to reduce the consumption of salted and spicy foods, alcohol and cigarettes: this improves the general body condition and reducing the load of the joint.
In the presence of a family history that indicates a genetic predisposition, a physical examination should be regularly subjected to. In general, the prevention of osteoarthritis is intended to conduct a moderate lifestyle. It is important not to start the disease and consult a doctor with the slightest suspicion of osteoarthritis.